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GameDevHQ Alumni Success Story: Joseph Bonney

“If I had not signed up with GameDevHQ, I would probably still be a cook or be doing a
game design job that is all about paperwork instead of writing code.”

Joseph’s Results

  • Gained an understanding of networking
  • Developed industry connections
  • Has positive relationships with industry mentors
  • Has secured an entry level position

How GameDevHQ helped Joseph get his first paid role as a programmer with a game company

  • Proven strategies for breaking into the game development industry
  • Tools and techniques based on industry experience 
  • On demand lessons as well as individual support
  • A strong community of like minded individuals

What were your biggest challenges before GameDevHQ?

I graduated from the Full Sail University’s game design program. When I started looking for a job though, I found that I was more into programming rather than design. 

I liked the programming aspect of the industry more, but my university course did not offer much of that. I wanted to learn more, which is when I found GameDevHQ. 

Before joining GameDevHQ I could not find any jobs or get offers, even though I had a degree. I filled out a lot of applications, but I was not really getting anywhere.

What results did you see after signing up with GameDevHQ?

After talking to John and Al from GameDevHQ I signed up. I went through the program and followed the steps they were teaching. 

After about 5 months of working with GameDevHQ I got an unpaid internship at one company, which I ended up taking just to get some experience. 

About a week later, I got another offer for a paid internship from a company called i3M. That is where I am working now, in the kind of role I always wanted.

What is unique about GameDevHQ’s support system?

They give you great tools for reaching out and networking on LinkedIn. It is a very effective way to develop your career and they give you a better understanding of the whole process.

Companies will send you tests and GameDevHQ will help go over it with you. They will help you understand the concept of the test and what you need. They will make sure you get it done.

What makes GameDevHQ better than free resources?

What stands out with GameDevHQ is the mentorship you will receive. You can watch a video online, but good luck talking to anybody if you do not understand something about it. 

During the program they have a Discord, or you can reach out via email. Whenever you contact anyone with GameDevHQ, they will pretty much respond immediately. 

The GameDevHQ team are all in different time zones, so you pretty much have a mentor on call 24 hours a day to help you.

Was the Professional Unity Developer Program worth the investment?

If somebody asked me if GameDevHQ was a good investment, I would definitely say yes. Mostly because of all the mentorship they offer.

They will give you everything you need to find a job in the industry, and stick with you from beginning to end. There is no end date to their support, they will be with you for a lifetime.

Would you recommend GameDevHQ?

I would recommend GameDevHQ to anybody interested in making games, or in pursuing game design. Really anybody looking to get into the gaming industry!

They have a lot of different courses, so no matter what you want to do they have a course that will teach you how. You also have their full support and you can reach out with any questions you might have.

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